How removing all my connections generate more engagement

How removing all my connections generate more engagement

JUNE 07, 2020     General    
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So many of us use different social media websites for personal and professional purposes to connect with people and coordinate our daily lives and jobs with friends and colleagues. The problem with these websites and services is that they will never try to keep your connection updated and mainly focus on your personal and professional information.

I have started using Facebook and LinkedIn since 2009 and as of today still use these social media website for both personal and professional purposes. My main struggle with these platforms is getting low engagement from friends and connections, which I have tried to investigate and find the issue. There are so many digital marketers out there that they suggest generating quality contents to get more engagement on your social media accounts. But so far in my case, regardless of the content I post on my social media accounts, I still get low engagement from the followers and connections.

Personal Cyber Security

Personal cyber security

JULY 08, 2016     General    
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How often are you concerned about your personal security when it comes to sharing your personal and contact information? This is one of the hottest and trendiest topics in cyber security and personal security field these days. Every day we are hearing the stories of big companies and various applications using different security measurements like two-factor authentication, end to end encryption and many other techniques while there are many more news headlines about giant companies and famous application get hacked and the user data is stolen.


These news headlines get us thinking that aren’t those security measures there to protect our data against security breaches? Why the experts never foreseen these circumstances and prepare fall back strategies to protect the data and make it unreadable to others. Well the truth is, most of the times those who call themselves experts, cannot foreseen all the possible breaches and provide strategies and methods to prevent the possible vulnerabilities.
The most common methods these days apply to the applications and systems is the two factor authentication to prevent the breach of personal password and unauthorized login to personal or work accounts and the second most used method is end to end encryption which makes it impossible for the others who are tracing network packets and intercept the network traffic to decode the content and messages.

Safely using external libraries and plugins

APRIL 26, 2016     General    
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Nowadays there are many frameworks, libraries and plugins available to developers on internet and sometimes these products due to their large size or the beta stage, they have potential bugs and flaws which makes the products invulnerable to these bugs if the developers are not careful to foreseen these possibilities and prepare their systems with fallback strategies. These available software would make it easier for people to code and develop systems and reduce their required development time and budget, but we should prepare for the secret key, not all of them are secure and perfect.


window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-Q027PK392X');