Modern website design and development

JULY 20, 2015     General    
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In past decade with improvements in internet infrastructure and enhancement of internet browsers and advances in the web technologies, the web design and development industries have changed and no longer designing a website is as simple as designing a plain page with Microsoft Expression Web or Adobe Dreamweaver.

During the past couple of years we have seen incredible improvement in website designs thanks to HTML5 and CSS3 and of course creativity and hard work of the designers and developers in the web community. Nowadays, website design and development is not same as before and no one starts any web project from scratch as there are many frameworks, UI kits, and even ready to use Content Management Systems (CMS) out there which can be used easily. The website design and development is transformed from designing the front-end from an empty paper to ready to use UI kits and UI frameworks and the backend development from coding in notepad to just running installation.php.

The new modern website is all about integration with services, social networks and other websites. Most of modern websites somehow preferred to use other services and websites instead of developing the very same feature the other offers. For example, most of website due to high interactivity of social networks, they prefer to have the comment section provided by Facebook and Disqus. By using their comment plugin, no longer they have to be worried about handling the user data, comment data and even analytics and most importantly the maintenance.

Free notification system for mobile apps

MARCH 04, 2015     General    
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In most of the mobile and tablet application that we use every day we can see the application notifications and news services which helps the developers and data providers to be more engaged with their users and make it much more pleasing experience while using the application. These notifications can be categorized to few types base on the way they are working.

The first type and most expensive type is push notifications which usually hosted on a cloud service and pushed to user mobile device by special event which triggers on specific time or happening. These notifications mostly pushed from a web or cloud service to the mobile device and it would increase the cost as the number of the users grow.

The second type of notifications are less flexible as the it only triggers when the users open the application and it makes a request to the server or web service to retrieve the unread messages. This method also requires a database and web service to transfer the messages to the application. With using this method the developer also can keep track of the users and the notifications.

The last type is the most easiest and cheapest among other types of notifications. This method is very similar to the second type of the notifications and basically it’s a simple news or message delivery where it trigger by lunching the application and retrieve all the existing messages and display it to the user.

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-Q027PK392X');