Web Error Pages - Flat UI Design

Web Design     OCTOBER 02, 2014    

Error Handler Documents for website informs the website visitors when there is a problem in accessing the website or content of the website. The accessibility issues is divided to different categories base on the issue and restriction in access. For example, when the user is trying to access a content or page which doesn’t exist in the website, they will face the 404 Not Found error which simply means the current URL does not exists.

In this project with inspiration of the Blue Screen of Death in Windows 8, the error handler documents designed to deliver the error messages with elegant design. Also to follow the same style which has been used in Windows 8, the emoji faces used to bring some emotion to the design. The use of background colors is an additional tool to deliver the error messages easier and make each error unique in term of design.


window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-Q027PK392X');